Sunday, May 21, 2006

Happy (Belated) Batch Bday!

It seems that nobody mentioned on their blogs about the KMYS 2001-2003 Batch Birthday on the 15th of May. I was supposed to have an entry about it, thought about it on the 13th but decided to wait until the day itself to write up the entry. Ended up forgetting all about it until a few days ago because of all the exams but since nobodys mentioning it anywhere, I decided to still put up an entry to remind you guys who have forgotten.

No long entry, I'm studying at the moment for a paper tomorrow afternoon and just taking my break for a while. Started 30 hours before the exam as usual. So, anyway,


The Cultural Performance in the first few weeks of the batch's life

The 1st Batch Anniversary cake. Can't believe its already been 5 years and most of you are going back for good this summer.

P.S: Today, (21st May) is the first day I've met Aiza and all other Architecture student, we met by the piano in the Great Hall to discuss the subjects that we should take for the A-Levels. Maybe we already seen each other earlier, but this was the first time we talked. So, Happy Friendship Day Aiza and all others.

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